Quick Start Guide
How to Create Your Own NFT Contract Using Minty. Place in 10 minutes or less.

Now anyone can create a decentralized NFT contract with a custom mint page just like the pros. Minty Place supports all chains that use an ETH address, such as Polygon, Avalanche, BSC, FTM, and more.
Create A Collection in 5 Easy Steps
These instructions are for mobile or computer users. Computer users must have the MetaMask extension for Firefox or Chrome installed and mobile users should have the metamask app for iOS or Android installed.
Step 1. Set your wallet to the correct blockchain
The first thing you need to do is have the correct blockchain selected in your wallet. The most popular network for NFT collections is Ethereum, but there are many options this app works on, including Ethereum test networks. We typically recommend using polygon or ETH testnet to do a test run of your skills before launching a contract on the ETH network.

Step 2. Go to the Minty.Place Website
If you are launching this contract using a mobile device, you will need to use the browser inside of MetaMask to navigate to Minty.place. Using safari or chrome browser on your phone will not work! If you are using a computer, make sure to use a browser that has the MetaMask extension installed and logged in.

Step 3. Fill out the Form Entirely and Hit The Button
Once you reach the home page you will need to completely fill out the contract options in order to launch your smart contract to the blockchain.
Here are the fields you need to fill out and a brief explanation and example of each:
- Name of Collection. This is straightforward but this will be the actual name of your collection. Examples of famous collections include: CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Hott Butts Club, etc.
- Token Symbol. This is your ETH to Etherum, your BAYC to your Bored Apes, your BTC to your Bitcoin.
- Location of Metadata. This is where you plan to store the metadata you created (maybe using the nftASSembler app). This field can be filled with your personal server or it can be an IPFS location. You can change this anytime in the future for a small gas fee (like after a reveal), but you cannot leave this blank at this time. If you don’t know what to put, you can just type https://hottbutts.club/ for now. We can change this later using our contract admin page.
- File Extension of Metadata Files. If you are using nftASSembler then leave it default (.json). Metadata files are typically .json files which contain info like the traits of the token, the location of the image, and other vital information associated with each NFT. It is rare to not have a .json extension but we left this option for special use cases or assemblers which use a different convention.
- Total Number of NFTs in Collection. This is self explanatory but can be changed in the future.
- Mint Price. This price is reflected in the blockchain this contract resides on. Mint price of .069 on the ETH chain is .069ETH where Mint of .069 on the polygon chain is .069MATIC. Do not use more than 3 decimal places!
- Maximum Mints Per Transaction. This limits the amount of tokens that can be minted with one transaction or “gas fee”. This is to prevent someone from minting the entire collection or a large portion of it in one transaction.
- Maximum Mints Per Wallet. This limits the amount of tokens that can be minted by the same wallet. This number can be the same or different as the Maxium Mints Per Transaction.
- Collection Reveal Function. Leaving this checked assumes you plan to have a mint period and then reveal all the minted tokens at some future date (Reveal Date). If you plan to reveal the tokens as they are minted, uncheck this option and upload your metadata files to your server as they are minted. For more detailed info, see our article, To Reveal or Not Reveal.
- Create Collection. Hit this button once you’ve filled everything else out!!! You will not be charged at this time but be patient as your custom NFT contract is being created in the background.
Step 4. Pay the ETH gods
Here you are agreeing to pay the ETH miners something around 15–20X the typical transaction cost of sending a coin on the blockchain you selected for your contract. This is because the information in the contract that miners have to upload to the blockchain is much larger than the info needed to do a simple transfer of coins. In addition to this gas fee, a 0.1 donation (in the currency of your blockchain) will be added to your gas fee to cover the costs of creating, maintaining, and hosting these tools. Wallets containing a Hott Butt Club NFT will not have this donation added to their launch costs.

Now wait….. until you see something like this:

Step 5. Verify Your Contract

In order to be able to interact with the contract on that chain’s scanner (Etherscan, Polyscan, etc), you need to verify your contract. If you launched your contract on ETH, then you can verify by just clicking the VERIFY SMART CONTRACT button. If you launched on Polygon, Avalanche, or any other chain you will need to follow the directions in our verification guide. Don’t worry, verification is easy, there are just a lot of different coins and placing the link to each one here would be too long for this quick start guide. Don’t close that window until you have verified!!
Be sure to save the links to your mint page and admin pages for easy access!!
Before you have users mint, you will need to activate minting using the admin page. When you are ready to make changes to the Metadata location, change mint price, turn on or off minting, etc. See our Guide to Managing your NFT Contract on the Blockchain.